Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analysis of Sprint PCS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Sprint PCS - Essay Example While in services main costs are connected to equipment maintaining those services and have little impact on prices (which are mainly formed by customer's demands), mobile phones have a lot of issues on manufacturing and especially testing product costs. "One hundred percent of mobile phones are tested to ensure regulatory and standard compliance, where many other consumer electronic products are merely sample tested." (Strickler, 2004). Additionally, mobile phones have ultra-short life cycles comparing to other consumer electronics, which is followed with more funds spent on designing new models. As most of the manufacturing of Sprint is outsourced to China manufacturing labor costs are considered to be low. Still in the context of aggressive competition in the wireless industry they must be taken into account. Recent years have been regarded as productivity increasing due to technological innovations in manufacturing. Raw materials needed for production of cellular phones are the industry without a clear cut leader, which along with decreasing overall waging costs and at the same time slight increase in average wages had a positive influence on productivity and average total costs of cellular phones: as labor productivity growth settles in near its longer-run trend of 2 to 2-1/2 percent, increases in unit labor costs may begin to put some upward pressure on prices, offsetting possible moderation in nonwage costs (Bernanke 2005). As iMarket Structure As it was stated earlier cellular phone industry is very dense leaving no free space to possible new contenders. Market structure in mobile services is an oligopoly, when power is concentrated in the hands of several key players, that is: Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon etc. Position of Sprint in mobile phones industry is comparatively weaker, major players are: Nokia, Motorola, Siemens, Alcatel and Sony Ericsson. Such heavy competition along with the wide choice of vendors available to customers creates implications on pricing. Simply there is very little space for adjusting prices because a company has to stay close to its main pricing curve. Cellular phones have evolved from a hi-tech gadget to an everyday life commodity negatively affecting prices, which continue to decrease. On the other side extremely wide audience of consumers and further shortening life-cycle increases amounts of cell phones sold. Recent performance of Sprint shows that while the customer base of the company continues to increase its revenues are the same as two years ago. "Sprint's subscriber base grew 110% but its market share has barely changed since June 2002. Price erosion and competition has reduced Services revenue by 19%" (Alexander Resources, 2005) Moreover the company experiences low customer satisfaction recently found by Strategy Analytics: "Sprint PCS posts below average ratings on many measures, though the carrier does redeem itself somewhat with a well-received product and service range" ( 2004). Therefore Sprint PCS needs changes in its strategy for further development. First of all, if bigger is not better Sprint needs to reduce the distance between the company and a certain customers group. Secondly it should pay more attention to the quality of its products to increase customer satisfaction with more added value. Economic Forecast Basing on the macroeconomic forecast presented by the learning team (Hahn et al 2005) I have selected the following factors that will affect the demand of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The climate of the Earth Essay Example for Free

The climate of the Earth Essay The climate of the Earth is always changing. In the past it has altered as a result of natural causes. Nowadays, however, the term climate change is generally used when referring to changes in our climate which have been identified since the early part of the twentieth century. The changes weve seen over recent years and those which are predicted over the next 100 years are thought by many to be largely as a result of human behaviour rather than due to natural changes in the atmosphere The greenhouse effect is very important when we talk about climate change as it relates to the gases is believed that the effect could be intensified by human activity and the emission of gases into the atmosphere. It is the extra greenhouse gases which humans have released which are thought to pose the strongest threat. IMPACTS Scientists around the globe are looking at all the evidence around climate change and using supercomputer models to come up with predictions for our future environment and weather. However, the next stage of that work, which is just as important, is looking at the knock-on effects of potential changes. For example, are we likely to see an increase in precipitation and sea levels? Does this mean there will be an increase in flooding and what can we do to protect ourselves from that? How will our health be affected by climate change, how will agricultural practices change and how will wildlife cope? And what will the effects on coral be? And while it may be controversial some would argue that climate change could bring with it positives as well as negatives. FLOODING The UK has experienced heavy floods over the past decade, which have affected thousands of people and caused millions of pounds worth of damage. The rainfall in June and July 2007 was about 20% higher than ever seen before in records that go back to 1879. Although it is impossible to say this flooding was a result of climate change, some computer predictions say that we can expect to see more extreme weather events such as flooding in the future. The Met Office however project that while heavy summer rains may become more frequent, summers are likely to be drier overall, especially in the south of Britain. According to the Environment Agency, at present 2. 3 million homes and 185,000 businesses are at risk of flooding in England and Wales representing property, land and assets to the value of over ? 200bn. HEALTH The climate we live in affects many areas of our lives. The quality of the food we eat, the water we drink and our homes are all dependent on our climate and weather. Climate researchers predict that the UK climate will become warmer, with high temperatures in the summer becoming more frequent and very cold winters more rare. Winters will become wetter with heavier rain more common. Some scientists have suggested that a warmer world will be a sicker world. However there is not complete agreement that this will be the case. With winters becoming milder, there are likely to be fewer cold-related deaths. However, there is a danger that bacteria would now longer die-off seasonally during the prolonged cold spell meaning that diseases may spread more widely. More heat waves will increase the number of hot-weather related deaths while the number of cases of skin cancer has quadrupled in the last 30 years. High level of ground-level ozone will increase the prevalence of cardio-respiratory disease. Higher average global temperatures mean that diseases, or their carriers, may be able to move to areas that were previously too cold for them to survive. It is possible that a mild strain of malaria will become established in localised parts of the UK for up to four months of the year. Globally, there are likely to be more floods, more droughts and more storms, which will be accompanied by damage to our homes, food and water supplies and impact on our general health. An increase in flooding will promote the spread of water-borne diseases plus the growth of fungi, while droughts encourage white flies, locusts and rodents, all affecting food and water supplies and health. Climate change is likely to have an unequal impact on the world population. Those living in poor and developing countries are going to be less able to adapt to changes. The effects on general UK health are likely to be less severe than in other parts of the world. Health impacts are not likely to be confined to the human population wildlife will also be severely affected. WILDLIFE The affects of climate change arent going to be restricted to humans. The possible dangers for plants and animals throughout the world are a great concern to environmentalists. Birds, fish, and land-based animals are all going to be under threat as their habitats and climate alter. Plants, trees and shrubs are also going to have to adapt. Species are under threat in more than one way. Climate change is predicted to cause a number of weather extremes which could directly affect our wildlife, for example through flooding or storms. However the biggest concern is how the changes in weather will affect the habitats in which species lives. It is estimated 20-30% of plant and animal species will be at increased extinction if the temperature rises by more than 1. 5 2. 5C. Less snow in winter, warmer temperatures in summer and more winter rain will affect wildlife across the board. Sea level rises will reduce land area in some countries, which will instantly affect vegetation which is currently used for homes and foods by animals. WHAT CAN WE DO? Its not just policies and industries that need to be more climate-friendly; each individual has an impact on his or her environment. Choices that we make in our day-to-day lives can ? Affect the climate ? Turn off lights when you leave a room ? Only boil the amount of water you need in your kettle ? Turn off televisions, videos, stereos and computers when they are not in use they can use between 10 and 60% of the power they use when on ? Close curtains at dusk to keep in heat ? let your clothes dry naturally rather than using a tumble drier

Saturday, October 26, 2019

I am A rock Paul Simon Essay -- essays research papers

Paul Simon said that the person or people in his poem were sick of society, and wanted to be isolated away from society. He represents this by saying that they want to be like a rock, or like an island. They wanted to be isolated away from society. The poem talks about people being sick of society, and want to be isolated from it. Even in the first line, he made an analogy between December being dark and dingy, by saying "A winter's day - in a deep and dark December." The month of December is usually likened to being cold, dark, and 'dangerous'. He also says that it is a lonely December in the second line where he says "I am alone gazing from my window to the street below" he feels left out, and now wants to be left alone, like an island, or a rock. Like in the second poem, where he says that he "has no need of friendship." The person in the poem wants to be left alone, like an island, or a rock. In the second stanza, he says "I've built a wall, a fortress deep and mighty." He has built a mental block to all outsiders, and he compares this to an inpenetrable wall. Inpenetrable walls keep unwanted things out: bad feelings, love, etc. Then, in the third line of this stanza, he says "I have no need of friendship - friendship causes pain, It's laughter and loving I disdain." He said that he doesn't want friendship because it just causes pain, and that the laughter and loving he hates or despises. He wants to be left alone, like... I am A rock Paul Simon Essay -- essays research papers Paul Simon said that the person or people in his poem were sick of society, and wanted to be isolated away from society. He represents this by saying that they want to be like a rock, or like an island. They wanted to be isolated away from society. The poem talks about people being sick of society, and want to be isolated from it. Even in the first line, he made an analogy between December being dark and dingy, by saying "A winter's day - in a deep and dark December." The month of December is usually likened to being cold, dark, and 'dangerous'. He also says that it is a lonely December in the second line where he says "I am alone gazing from my window to the street below" he feels left out, and now wants to be left alone, like an island, or a rock. Like in the second poem, where he says that he "has no need of friendship." The person in the poem wants to be left alone, like an island, or a rock. In the second stanza, he says "I've built a wall, a fortress deep and mighty." He has built a mental block to all outsiders, and he compares this to an inpenetrable wall. Inpenetrable walls keep unwanted things out: bad feelings, love, etc. Then, in the third line of this stanza, he says "I have no need of friendship - friendship causes pain, It's laughter and loving I disdain." He said that he doesn't want friendship because it just causes pain, and that the laughter and loving he hates or despises. He wants to be left alone, like...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pride and Prejuice :: Jane Austen

SUMMARY OF PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Pride and Prejudice is a story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five unmarried daughters---Jane, Elizabeth, Marry, Kitty, and Lydia. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are desperate to see them all married. News is that a wealthy young gentleman named Charles Bingley has rented the estate of Netherfield Park near the Bennet estate. Mr. Bennet decides to make a special visit to Mr. Bingley to talk about his eldest daughter Jane. The Bennets attend a ball where Mr. Bingley is present and is taken by Jane and spends the whole night dancing with her. Mr. Bingley brought with him his friend, Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is arrogant and not very pleased with the evening and out of arrogance, refuses to dance with Elizabeth. At many social events over an amount of weeks, however, Mr. Darcy finds himself more and more attracted to Elizabeth. Jane?s friendship with Mr. Bingley also continues to grow, and Jane finds herself going to visit Mr. Bingley at his mansion. On her way to the estate she gets caught in the rain and gets very ill forcing her to stay for many days. In order for Elizabeth to go get Jane she has to hike through the fields getting her clothes dirty. When she arrives to the estate, Miss Bingley notices that Darcy, whom she likes, pays quite a bit of attention to Elizabeth. When Jane and Elizabeth return home, Mr. Collins, a young clergyman who stands to inherit Mr. Bennet?s property, is there visiting their household. During his stay with the Bennet?s, he makes a marriage proposal to Elizabeth. She turns his offer down and injures his pride. Meanwhile, the Bennet girls have made friends with the military officers stationed nearby. One of those military officers is Wickham, a handsome young soldier who likes Elizabeth and tells her how Darcy cheated him out of an inheritance. Disappointing Jane, the Bingleys and Mr. Darcy left their estate and returned to London at the beginning of winter. Furthermore, Elizabeth receives appalling news that her best friend Charlotte Lucas is engaged to Mr. Collins. Charlotte explains to Elizabeth that she needs the match for financial reasons and marries Mr. Collins. As winter continues, Jane visits the city in hope to see Mr. Bingley instead Miss Bingley visits her first. While Miss Bingley?s visit was very abrupt, Mr. Bingley never shows up. The marriage search for the Bennet girls appears hopeless.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An Outline and Evaluation of Moral Development Through

An Outline and Evaluation of Moral Development through Piagets Theory and the Social Learning Theory Piaget (1932) developed a major theory based on children’s cognitive methodology when approaching particular moral situations; using the game of marbles and moral stories/dilemmas to evaluate the moral development a child. In his evaluation he categorised children into three stages of moral development i. e. pre-moral (0-5yrs), Moral Realism (5-8/9yrs), Moral Relativism (+9yrs).Concluding that children under five didn’t consider moral reasoning Piaget concentrated on the two latter stages. Piaget believed these stages are innate, they occur naturally; only through cognitive development will a child begin to move from moral realism to moral relativism. Moral realism is when a child has a heteronomous moral perspective with unilateral respect showing unconditional obedience to adults. They are egocentric and their moral judgement is based on consequences and intentions are not considered, with punishment being expiatory and usually unjustifiably severe.When a child reaches the stage of moral relativism, they have an autonomous moral viewpoint, they understand mutual respect and that rules are made through social agreement. They are able to recognise that there is a grey area between right and wrong and their moral decisions are based on intentions rather than consequences. Punishment is reciprocal i. e. shows balance between severity of the crime and the punishment received. He noted the importance of a child’s social environment and their interaction without an authority figure e. . in the school playground, here they learn to negotiate conflict and will start to understand resolution/compromise. According to Wright (1971) Piaget’s theory is supposed to show how a child’s practical moral development occurs but the evidence in fact was based on theoretical morality. Piaget linked this through the concept of conscious realization e. g. children can talk using the correct grammar long before they realize that there are rules that govern grammar.Implying that a child's practical morality shapes their theoretical morality; an adult’s moral influence won’t affect but will only help and guide a child’s theoretical morality catch up with their practical morality. Armsby (1971) suggests young children understand intention and show awareness to avoid damaging valued items, older children find it easier to differentiate the relation between intention and damage. Piaget’s stories confounds intentions and consequences, when approached separately Constanzo et al. 1973) confirmed that with adult disapproval six year olds judged on consequence regardless of intention but with adult approval they as with older children will consider intentions. Notably, social consequences are related to parental tendencies as children generally will have more experience in dealing with ill-intended acts. To sup port Piaget’s theory, Kruger (1992, cited in Gross, 1996) tested conflict resolution amongst children with and without an authoritarian figures involvement by giving them two moral dilemmas and questioning them afterwards.The children who had been paired with an adult had less real insight, lacking moral reasoning because they had given way to the adults understanding. When questioned afterwards, they had a less sophisticated stance-point than the children who had been paired together, showing the advantages attributable to egalitarian active discussion. As Piaget’s investigations were only based on a small amount of subjects, whereas Jose Linaza (1984) interviewed several hundred children in relation to a number of games; participants were from England and Spain, both boys and girls.He re-affirmed Piaget’s findings but found that depending on the games complexity this determined what age certain stages become more apparent, another notable finding was there was no difference between the English and the Spanish children. Turiel (1998) critic’s Piagets methods regarding the moral dilemma questions used as a child would find it difficult to be morally judgemental because of the drastic difference in consequence. i. e. fifteen cups versus one cup, thus tempting the child to ignore intention.Rule et el. (1974) shows that young children understand the difference in intention, particularly dependant on whether the act is pro-social or hostile i. e. if an aggressive act is in defence of another or not. Bandura, McDonald. (1963) doubted Piaget’s theory; in particular the concept of stages by explaining moral judgement through social learning theory, generally children imitated the models behaviour even if their reasoning differed.As social learning theory involves the key factors attention, retention, reproduction and motivation and children are said to be able to imitate others behaviour through observational learning, since moral b ehaviour can be observed and imitated there will be a definite link between SLT and moral development. Bandura et al(1961, cited in Haralambos & Rice, 2002) Bobo Dolls studies on SLT were criticised due to the artificial conditions i. e. he subjects were not geographically selected at random thus pre conditioning could have influenced results and because of the nature of the Bobo Dolls (they sprung back when struck) the children could then have perceived the aggression the models showed towards the dolls as a game. Therefore, the need to have an understanding for the aggression was lacking and since the children observed no vicarious punishment (verbal or physical) they would have no need to make a judgement, they didn’t have any reason to dissuade them from performing the behaviour.Interestingly, Langer (1975) replicating Banduras experiment concluded that his techniques confused the children. After viewing the model half of the children’s moral judgements remained th e same and when they did change their explanations didn’t. When a child is trying to form identification they will associate with and imitate/model themselves on other people’s behaviour/mannerisms. Though this is not confined necessarily and exclusively to parents as other family members, siblings in particular together with peers will play a significant part in a child’s behaviour.A child may imitate a complete stranger’s behaviour especially if vicarious reinforcement is shown as the child then has the motivation to imitate this particular behaviour. Children may imitate behaviour without the insight to make a moral judgement. Notably, Hoffman’s research observed that age dependant children are more likely to imitate a role models deviant behaviour rather than the models compliant behaviour, this emphasises a lack of moral development. (1970, cited in Bukatko & Daehler, 1998) Grusec et. l (1978) focused on whether or not a child would imitate a models good behaviour (donating/giving) with or without verbal instruction. What is shown in her results was that through observing, the majority of children, even without verbal instruction imitated the models behaviour. Nelson (1980) found that children as young as the age of three are able to make intentional based decisions regardless of consequence as long as information on intentions is made clear. Observational learning and principles of reinforcement can not adequately explain all aspects of moral development as a child’s cognitive processes are not fully explored.As explained by Turiel (1983) in this study, children who receive punishment too late for non-compliant behaviour seems to show a leniency towards deviant behaviour, the late timing mentioned only seems to confuse the children, once again showing a lack of understanding/judgement. Insightfully, the above-mentioned studies on moral development confirm clearly that children even from a very young age imitate o ther people’s behaviour and whether they understand the intentions or consequences of any particular behaviour is questionable especially at a young age.The concept of conscious realisation is a cognitive process which would only develop depending on the moral influences of a child’s socialization, emotional attachments, level of education and life experience. Bibliography Armsby, R. (1971) A re-examination of the development of moral judgements in children. Child Development, 42, 1242-1248 Bandura, A. & McDonald, F. J. (1963). Influence of social reinforcement and the behavior of models in shaping children's moral judgments. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(3),  274-281. Bukatko, D. & Daehler, M. W. (1998).Child Development: A Thematic Approach. New York; Houghton Mifflin. p. 410. Costanzo, P. , Coie, J. , Grumet, J. , & Farnill, D. (1973). A re-examination of the effects of intent and consequence on children's moral judgements. Child Development, 44(1) , 154-161. Gross, R. (1996) Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour. London: Houghton & Stoughton. p. 696. Grusec, J. E. , Kuczynski, L. , Rushton, J. P. , & Simutis, Z. M. (1978). Modelling, direct instruction, and attributions: Effects on altruism. Developmental Psychology, 14, 51–57. Haralambos, M. A. & Rice, D. (ed) (2002).Psychology in Focus, Ormskirk; Causeway Press. p. 316-317. Langer, J. (1975). Disequilibrium as a source of development. In P. Mussen, J. Langer, & M. Covington (Eds. ), Trends and issues in developmental psychology (pp. 22-37). New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. Linaza, J. (1984). Piaget’s marbles: the study children’s games and their knowledge of rules. Oxford Review of Education, 10, 271-4. Nelson, S. A. (1980). Factors influencing young children's use of motives and outcomes as moral criteria. Child Development, 51, 823-829. Piaget, J. (1952), Moral Judgement of a Child, London : Routledge and K.Paul Rule, B. G. , Nesdale, A. R . , McAra, J. R. (1974) Children’s Reaction to the Information about the Intentions Underlying an Aggressive Act: Child Development, 45(3) pp 794-798 Turiel, E. (1983)  The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Turiel, E. (1998) Moral development, in: W. Damon (Ed. ),  Handbook of Child Psychology, 5th Edition, Volume 3: N. Eisenberg (Ed. ), Social, Emotional, and Personality Development, pp. 863-932 (New York: Wiley). Wright, D. (1971). The psychology of moral behavior. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Social Paradigms Essays - Criminology, Aesthetics, Consensus Reality

Social Paradigms Essays - Criminology, Aesthetics, Consensus Reality Social Paradigms Grade Received on Report : 89% In the following paper I will relate the concept of school to the three sociological paradigms of structural- function, social conflict, and symbolic interactions. The first paradigm that I will relate to school is the structural-function paradigm. The main manifest function of school is for the advancement of knowledge, leading to better jobs and money. School also has many latent effects including: social relationships, team competition in both sports and academic events, and personal academic advancement. All of which will be used in our adult life. Analysis of social conflict should start by pointing out that people coming from a family of a high wealth level will in most cases have a higher education at adulthood. One example of this is our own Chicago Public school system. Well to do families that live in the Chicago Public School System will, with out thought, send there children to a well-funded, safe school as opposed to the gang infested inner-city schools where students are asked to learn instead of expected. One of the many reasons for a demise of the Chicago public school system would be in the great difference of income from the public housing to wealthy north side apartments so easily visible from public housing. Lets now look at symbolic interaction in schools. With all schools even though all students attend the same curriculum under the same roof you will not find two student that are alike. You can find freshmen that on there first day of high school know exactly what they want to do and which university they will be attending, to the senior that has no clue on what he wants to do. Although these points only scratch the surface the sociological paradigms and schools, the most visible problem with education in our country is the great difference from inner-city schools from private schools. While some middle-class and upper-class families have the choice for there children?s education most inner-city families don?t have the luxury of sending there child to a prestigious private school for $7000 a year.

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Ways to Tell if Your Company Cares About Work Life Balance

5 Ways to Tell if Your Company Cares About Work Life Balance We all know that to get where we want to be, certain sacrifices are required–especially when we are starting out and getting the engine going in our career. That means late nights, extra hours, and constantly going above and beyond as a matter of expectation. Still, you can be willing to do all of this extra labor with a smile on your face and still want the possibility of a week of working remotely in the summer, or an afternoon off to see your kid’s recital.So when you’re going for the job, here are 5 ways of finding out (without alerting the hiring manager) whether your potential new company prioritizes work life balance.1. Reverse the reference checkThey’re going to be checking up on you, after all. That’s de rigueur.So why not check up on them? Sift through your online network and see if you know anyone (or anyone who knows anyone) who used to work for that company and might be willing to chat with you. Avoid asking them to answer any of your q uestions in writing, but do ask them to be candid. Ask about the culture, the flexibility, the diversity, and what they would have changed if they had the chance.2. Stake it outTry and schedule your interview for super early or late in the day. If it’s 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. and the office is crammed despite being advertised as a 9-5 job, then you have your answer. Not a lot of family dinners appear to be happening. Then, be sure to look for signs of life outside of work: family photos, vacation memorabilia, etc. If you don’t get past the lobby or the boardroom, ask for an office tour. Evidence that families and outside interests are prized in the office is a very good sign.3. Social media stalkingNot the creepy kind, just the quick search. Try to get a sense of different tiers of employees, from executives to interns. Are people complaining? Working all the time? Taking vacations? Do they have families? What sort of press has been generated by the company or its employees?4 . Do your homeworkRead up on other companies also, to get a sense of work-life balance policies in your industry. Try Maybrooks, Glassdoor, or Fairygodboss for starters. If you don’t get this job, or decide you don’t want this job, then you’ll have a good idea of companies you might try next.5. Ask around itDirect questions can raise suspicions about your work ethic or intentions. Save them for after you receive the offer and are negotiating with HR. And, in the interview process, ask questions that might get the answers you want without tipping your hand–questions like what they love about the company that has nothing to do with their direct work, or the type of person who does best in that environment, or even just asking them to describe the company culture. Pay attention to what they’re saying- and what they aren’t saying.If you keep your wits about you, it is possible to glean quite a bit about a company’s particular work-life ba lance- all without damaging your chances of getting the job.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Heroes And Hooligans Essays - Beowulf, Geats, Anglo-Saxon Paganism

Heroes And Hooligans Essays - Beowulf, Geats, Anglo-Saxon Paganism Heroes And Hooligans Cruel kings, dangerous monsters, and vicious villains are the reasons we need heroes for. Heroes are the ones people root for and believe in. They are the ones who will save people from total annihilation by the evil threatening to eradicate them. People call and depend on heroes to save them when in need. No matter what society or how long ago you lived everyone had a hero to count on and give them hope. Heroes are smart and guide people along their lives and help friends in need. A great example of a hero is Beowulf. Beowulf was a hero in the times of the Angles-Saxons. The story of Beowulf is still told today because he was such a great hero. He is very brave and noble, like before he fights the evil dragon he says, When he comes to me I mean to stand, not run from his shooting flames, stand till fate decides which one of us wins. My heart is firm, my hands calm. I need no hot words. (anonymous, 674) Beowulf was also a great hero because he was always confident like when he was going to fight the dragon, Then Beowulf rose, still brave, still strong and with his shiel at his side, and mail-shirt on his breast, strode calmly, confidently, toward the tower(anonymous, 689) Beowulf was loyal to the king and his people, the Geats, could trust Beowulf to be honest and trust him to get the job done. After Beowulf eradicated the loathsome, grotesque, and sinister Grendel he left his arm dangling from the ceiling of Herot No Dane doubted the victory. (anonymous, 514) and greatly appreciated Beowulf. All t his shows Beowulf is a majestic hero. Modern Day heroes are different from heroes of the days of yore. People and times have changed. We no longer need a hero to fight the evil that runs rampant. Celebrities are looked up to now more than superheroes. We now idolize people who have the same interest as we do. Our heroes now are people we look up to and dream of being. Rick McCrank is a modern day hero. He is always progressing and speeding up the progression of skating. He is worldly known for his pure skill on a skateboard. Kids of the future look up to him as an idol and something to strive to be. Like professional skateboarder, Moses Itkonen said, when Rick skates people dont even cheer him, they laugh, because he has so much skill. McCrank is constantly taking skating to the next level. Rick McCrank is a modern day hero that we look up to and strive to be like. People, like him, push people to make the most out of themselves and to have something to strive for. No matter how different they are from one another, a hero is still a hero. Without heroes we would never have hop and the willpower to survive. Heroes are looked upon for inspiration and guidance. Heroes have to relate to people. They have to have the same frame of mind. If people cannot relate to a hero they will not be stoked on him and he will not be a hero to those people. Whether the hero goes on perilous journeys, fighting monsters, or the guy who won the best trick contest, he will be a hero and will be remembered for years to come.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

OB3-LEADERSHIP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

OB3-LEADERSHIP - Essay Example Of course, you are welcome to write interpretations for more than five assessments if you wish. Out the 36 self-assessment exercises that I took, I find these five dimensions to be a close representative of my â€Å"self,† my leadership style and preference. These are emotional intelligence of which I scored 14, Measuring Locus Control of which I scored 37 (reversed scoring), Transformational Leadership of which I scored five on both dimensions (develop followers into leaders and inspire followers to go beyond their own self-interest), Communication openness of which I scored 9 and change leader of which I scored 9 Five Self -assessment Exercises a) Emotional Intelligence – I scored 14 on this Simply put, emotional intelligence is an ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. Translating to an organization or a workplace, this will enable me to better relate to others. Initially, I thought that the ability to get along we ll with others is trivial and unimportant. Until I took the subject which made me realize that this a very potent leadership and management aptitude that should be harnessed and even a prerequisite to being a transformational leader. b) Measuring Locus Control – I scored 37 on this (reversed scoring) I scored well on this assessment which measures self-control. I appreciate the result for it validated my belief that I have the capacity to guard myself against intemperance which could undermine my integrity as a leader. I believe that this assessment is also connected to emotional intelligence, the ability to assess and control myself. c) Transformational Leadership – scored 5 on both dimensions which are to develop followers into leaders and inspire followers to go beyond their own self-interest. Perhaps I was biased when I took the assessment for this is the type of leadership that I would like to be. But I took the assessment honestly without looking at the answer ke y and I was glad to know that I scored five on both dimensions; which are to develop followers into leaders and inspire leaders to beyond their self-interest. I will endeavor that when my skill set as a leader will be fully developed, that I will evolve into this kind of leader in the future. d) Communication openness – I scored 9 on this. I scored a near perfect on this. Perhaps this is just a reinforcement of one of my obvious aptitude for emotional intelligence or ability to know myself and others and the ability to relate to others. Because to be able to get well with others, I have to be open to good communication first. I expected to score high on this. e) Change Leader – I scored 9 on this This too I expected to fare well because I tend to get well with others. As I can easily get through others, implementing change for me is almost effortless that my personality can easily get consensus even if I have to initially contradict the status quo. After taking the ass essment and reflected on the common ground on the dimensions that I scored well, I figured that it is my ability to know myself and others. I scored well on locus control, transformational leader, change leader and communication openness which has a requisite of intra and interpersonal skill and ability to get well with

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 9

Business Plan - Essay Example Not to forget, the nearby Town Park, which is visited by several people for picnics and relaxation, the restaurant will come in handy for such. To counter stiff competition from adjacent restaurants, I will ensure pocket friendly service dissemination. Financially, I estimate to have a starting capital of $ 40, 000. I already have $ 10,000 and hoping to get the rest from you. I am sure to get an annual profit of $ 20,000 thus no problem in repaying the loan. Red Chilly is a yet to be new eating parlor in town. It is well certain that it will offer the best quality of meals. To add to that, it will also provide a source of refreshment zone, particularly in the afternoons and evenings after school and work. With the need arising for decongesting major eating and meeting zones in town, we have decided to set up a new zone with better quality services destined at creating a home kitchen in town at pocket-friendly price. Food will be prepared in the kitchen behind the dining hall on a daily basis so as to enhance quality and freshness of food. To show its versatility, the premise will also offer both takeaways and sit in places for meal consumption. Red Chilly also has the health of its customers at hand. This is so by intending to provide free fruit salad that will accompany every meal. The eating parlor is strategically placed so as to accommodate many office workers at their respective lunch breaks and also school attending individuals at lunch break too. A site down the alley not frequented by heavy traffic and commotion has been set aside for the premise. On a third floor building making use of all the passing by breeze, customers will be able to enjoy a full ray of the city by catching a glimpse of the outside through the serene blue-tinted glass wall. The company will be located in Finlay Town, Yorkshire County. Red Chilly will have a manager and several members of staff.

Information Systems in Business and Organizations Case Study

Information Systems in Business and Organizations - Case Study Example Schwegman claims that the oversimplified language was used because he knew he was dealing with non-technical people, but the pessimistic tone and the wealth of information shared proved to be poor organizational politics. In contrast to the pessimism of CIOs, other C-level executives and business partners have the tendency to be optimistic. Schwegman overlooked this fact and did not write his letter with a tone that would appeal to such individuals. According to Finney (1999), "A successful IS professional must determine which environment he or she is operating in-then be sensitive to the unwritten rules and act accordingly. Too often, an eager system builder begins to slip into a state the he or she is working toward the 'greater good', and then lose sight of the information politics. Rather, the IS professional must work from the business client's perspective-even if the longer term objective is to move to a new information political state. Once the current political state has been identified, the politics of change can begin." The above is what happened in Schwegman's case. ... This sent off a panic when it was taken externally. Schwegman thought he was doing the right thing. He was being open and honest about system failures. Furthermore, he had decided to take the heat for them. Had the letter only gone to individuals inside the company, the reaction might not have been so bad. However, the letter went to business partners whom definitely do not want to hear bad news such as that shared in the letter. This is definitely not to say that Schwegman should have lied, but he should have taken into consideration who was going to read the letters and adjusted his language, tone, and amount of information shared according to those facts. According to Strassman (2005, pg. 1), "If the CIO does not have the authority to set and execute information management policies, information technology cannot be sufficiently important in a company or other organization. Without an empowered CIO, accountability for technology will be diffused and unfocused." Clearly, this is not the case when it comes to Schwegman. He quite obviously has the authority to set and execute information management policies or he would not have the notion to take the responsibility for any problems that have popped up. Furthermore, if he did not have the power, the letter would not have received the reaction that it did. Take, for instance, the wording of Schwegman's letter (Schuman, 2005, pg. 1): I'll start by saying that the vast majority of system problems we have are problems related to updates," Schwegman wrote. "These update problems have been manifesting themselves as inventory update failures, missing orders, missing images, incorrect status synchs, etc. At the end of the day, all of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Assessment - Essay Example However, a leader must emulate a style that is focused at creating conducive working environment that is essential for improving the employee’s productivity. This paper seeks to assess leadership strategies that the director of Peytons Limited Company, an organization I used to work for. One of the strategies that our director applied which had a positive impact on me was the engaging style of leadership. Managers and employees should fully understand the conditions that exist in their organizations. In this way, it is easy for them to emulate effective strategies as a team to address the conditions (Torbert, 2004). It is through identifying the importance of employees in our organization that the director adopted the engaging style. This entailed meting regularly with the employees especially during the period of low sales or reduced profits in order to understand their concern. In this way, the employee’s problems were easily addressed leading to a significant level o f employee’s motivation. The director also applied the democratic style of leadership. This entailed making the employees participate in the decision making process by ensuring that each of the worker had an equal chance of giving a feedback regarding the policies that the director emulated. ... Based on the fact that our organization was not engaged in production of large number of products types, the director introduced a sales department, a customer service department as well as an accounting department for each of the products. Each of department involved a strong team of skilled individuals and by allocating various duties to the teams, the director created a sustainable culture of team work leading to the success of the organization. The decentralization of the company activities is another positive implication of the matrix structure that the director adopted. It is vital to note that by ensuring that the employees have the skills and experience to handle various activities, managers are greatly assisted in their duties thus resulting to a strong team work within an organization (Yukl, 2006). As a sales representative in Peytons Company, I participated in making decision on the matters relating to marketing of our products. Through the various meeting we held with oth er members of the sales teams, my relationship skills in the work place were greatly improved. Despite the wide range of activities that our organization was engaged in, the director used various channels of communication to ensure that each of the employees was aware of the company policies. Additionally, the director was aimed at creating high ethical standards that are in line with the government policies in terms of gender balance during employment as well as creating a strong team that was engaged in conflict resolution. The table below indicates the evaluation of the Peytons Director. Aspect of evaluation Poor Good Average Excellent Remarks Maintaining high level of discipline among employees Motivated employees Gender balance during hiring Motivated employees Solving

Violent Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Violent Crime - Essay Example Rational choice theory can be used to explain the high rates of crimes in areas characterized by poverty, unemployment, school dropouts, and divorce among others in many ways. First, the theory notes that the offenders are willing to do all that they can to obtain money, sex, status and any other thing that can make them happy (Ahmad, 2014). As it is commonly known, those who are unemployed lack the basics of sustaining themselves such as the daily upkeep and decent housing. Because of this, they are likely to be involved in violent crimes to get what they want. Same thing applies to the school dropouts who lack the skills that employers look for their employments. Lastly, the theory bases on cost benefit analyses among the offenders (Ahmad, 2014). Residents living in recession areas weigh the impact of violent crimes to obtain what they want with the punishment they are to get. In most cases, some of them commit violent crimes and run before being caught. This encourages them to continue with the act since the benefit is high compared to cost because they are not caught. Hence, the unemployed, poverty stricken, and school dropouts are more likely to commit violent crimes often compared to others. In conclusion, rationale choice theory of crimes assumes that human beings are rational actors who calculates and weighs their behaviors before committing a crime. They indulge in violent crimes after considering the impact in terms of pleasure versus pain.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Assessment - Essay Example However, a leader must emulate a style that is focused at creating conducive working environment that is essential for improving the employee’s productivity. This paper seeks to assess leadership strategies that the director of Peytons Limited Company, an organization I used to work for. One of the strategies that our director applied which had a positive impact on me was the engaging style of leadership. Managers and employees should fully understand the conditions that exist in their organizations. In this way, it is easy for them to emulate effective strategies as a team to address the conditions (Torbert, 2004). It is through identifying the importance of employees in our organization that the director adopted the engaging style. This entailed meting regularly with the employees especially during the period of low sales or reduced profits in order to understand their concern. In this way, the employee’s problems were easily addressed leading to a significant level o f employee’s motivation. The director also applied the democratic style of leadership. This entailed making the employees participate in the decision making process by ensuring that each of the worker had an equal chance of giving a feedback regarding the policies that the director emulated. ... Based on the fact that our organization was not engaged in production of large number of products types, the director introduced a sales department, a customer service department as well as an accounting department for each of the products. Each of department involved a strong team of skilled individuals and by allocating various duties to the teams, the director created a sustainable culture of team work leading to the success of the organization. The decentralization of the company activities is another positive implication of the matrix structure that the director adopted. It is vital to note that by ensuring that the employees have the skills and experience to handle various activities, managers are greatly assisted in their duties thus resulting to a strong team work within an organization (Yukl, 2006). As a sales representative in Peytons Company, I participated in making decision on the matters relating to marketing of our products. Through the various meeting we held with oth er members of the sales teams, my relationship skills in the work place were greatly improved. Despite the wide range of activities that our organization was engaged in, the director used various channels of communication to ensure that each of the employees was aware of the company policies. Additionally, the director was aimed at creating high ethical standards that are in line with the government policies in terms of gender balance during employment as well as creating a strong team that was engaged in conflict resolution. The table below indicates the evaluation of the Peytons Director. Aspect of evaluation Poor Good Average Excellent Remarks Maintaining high level of discipline among employees Motivated employees Gender balance during hiring Motivated employees Solving

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Rights Law- Article 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Rights Law- Article 2 - Essay Example 1. Everyones right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law. The laws clauses already give us important distinctions. First of all: The right under Article 2 is clearly largely negative. While the first clause, â€Å"Everyones right to life shall be protected under law†, could be used to support a positive rights argument against impositions that cause starvation or other threats to life, the rest of the clause indicates that it is a negative protection against state and private impositions. Further, the end of the first clause and the second establish that authorities do have the right to take away lives under a death penalty, and have the ability to use lethal force to quell riots or for other legitimate law enforcement requirements. But they can only use limited force. These elements were tested by McCann v. U.K.2. In the case, UK intelligence alleged an IRA or IRA-connected attack upon Gibraltar. The suspected IRA team included known explosives experts. During the surveillance of the suspects, the IRA team crossed into Spain, receiving no impedence from Spanish authorities. UK intelligence had reason to believe that a detonator could be used remotely, even across the Spanish border. The IRA team had also parked a car in a crowded location, and had used carbombings before as a method of terror. SAS soldiers were dispatched to intercept the team and arrest them for conspiracy. But during the arrest attempt, the SAS soldiers fired because they believed that the IRA team was reaching for detonators. The ensuing investigation found that, while the IRA team had no explosives or detonators on their person or in the vicinity, a car registered by the IRA team had timed explosives in it. The investigation concluded that the

The Art of Sacrifice Essay Example for Free

The Art of Sacrifice Essay Sacrifice, the concept of giving up something valuable as a means of gaining more desirable things or preventing evil, is a fascinating art that has long intrigued humankind. In particular, two American texts have captured the essence of it , The Great Gatsby by F.S. Fitzgerald and the 1999 movie American Beauty directed by Sam Mendes. Both texts closely explore the responsibility of an individuals relationship with his or her society for the sacrifices the individual makes; from the disillusionment of the American Dream to how the characters are affected or destroyed by it. In the world of Jay Gatsby and Lester Burnham, ideals and values are defined by their society. More specifically, theirs is a consumer-driven society, resulting in false values which place importance on materialism and hedonism, disregarding morality and spirituality. In The Great Gatsby, these values are embodied through the juxtaposition and repetition of West and East. The Mid-West of America and West Egg, where Nick and Gatsby originate and inhabit, represent moral integrity, spirituality and innocence in contrast to the East Coast of America and East Egg, where the Buchanans live, which are full of self-indulgence, material wealth and moral decadence. The function of the characters is to enhance these values depending on where they come from, Mid-Western Nick for an example is a self-described moral person (I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known) but Tom Buchanan from the East is portrayed as a ruthless, racist womanizer who is careless in using and letting other people clean up the mess [he] had made. Similarly, the opening scene in American Beauty is of a high-angle pan across a picturesque suburb and then a cut to an equally picturesque large house with a neat lawn and beautiful rose beds. This quickly highlights the concept of a social ideal to strive for, as Lester Burnhams house is portrayed as the epitome of American homes with its perfect white walls and bright red door, and it is promptly linked to consumerism through the means of his wife Carolyn, who is a competitive real estate agent she sells this American Dream, leading to the social notion that if you have money, then you can have anything. All the se techniques are used to emphasize the major role of society in defining social values and aspirations. Therefore the individual, in an attempt to gain happiness and fulfillment, will strive for the values that society imposes. They adopt the social ideals and then make sacrifices in order to achieve them. Since the first glimpse of Carolyn cultivating a perfect red rose in American Beauty, it has become the symbol for her. Like the outwardly perfect rose, she is seen as the modern-age successful businesswoman who has it all the perfect family, the perfect house, the perfect job, all reflecting her philosophy of in order to be successful, one must maintain an image of success at all times. However, like these perfect roses, she has no scent thus no soul, and instead she uses the roses as a substitute for genuine emotion and affection. The starkest example is found in the first Burnham dinner scene where the closest thing to warmth comes from the scarlet color of the centerpiece roses as everything else in the frame, Carolyns family included, are cold and sombre due to the predominance of shadows, blue hues and lack of friendly conversation. In this way, she sacrifices real feelings for surface appearances. This makes her similar to Daisy in The Great Gatsby who, in choosing Tom over Gatsby twice, makes the sacrifice of love for social status and material possession. She endures Toms blatant infidelities to achieve the comfort and respectability that the consumer-driven and superficial society demands and like Carolyn, places emphasis on outwards appearance with her wish that her daughter would be a fool thats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. Even Gatsbys sense of ideal is no more or no less than which his society can offer him. Everything about Jay Gatsby is based on what James Gatz believes that society would find attractive as he does not enjoy his own wild parties, which shows that he does this for the sake of a socially accepted image rather than personal taste, that he is the advertisement of a man not the actual man himself. Indeed Gatsby adopts societys false values and he uses other mens desires as his standard of value a reason why he found Daisy so appealing in the first place, many men had already loved Daisy it increased her value in his eyes. However it must be noted that not all characters are like the aforementioned in their sacrifices, as no matter what the society dictates the ability to choose still lies in the power of the individual. While society may have itsb  guidelines of social acceptability, it is up to the individual whether or not to follow the guidelines. Nick, the voice of The Great Gatsby, is initially attracted to the wealth and glamor of the East but upon realizing that it creates a frantic, aimless lifestyle without substance nor spirituality, rejects it in the end. This milestone is marked by Nicks return to the Mid-West, which is symbolic of his rejection of the superficiality, materialism and amoral disposition of the East and his embracement of the traditional, wholesome values of the Mid-West. In American Beauty, Lesters encounter and resultant obsession with Angela makes him realize the emptiness of his life and he remembers the things he wants again, I feel like Ive been in a coma for about twenty years, and Im just waking up. He then sacrifices and rejects social expectations for his own happiness as he sees the illusion of the American Dream and how his family has lost their way in attempting to follow it. One of the ways Lester tries to capture the remembered joy of his youth is through the purchase of a sports car, a 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car that I always wanted and now I have it. I rule! The Firebird is a symbol of his rebellion against suburban expectations and also one of power at the beginning of the film, Carolyn drives Lester everywhere, conveying his lack of drive, but with the Firebird, he drives himself to places he is in control of his own life once more. This echoes the power that all individuals have in making their own choices in life. Yet the choices that an individual makes reflect the relationship between him or her and their society. How the individual perceives the nature of their society is displayed in their choice of sacrifice, and it is also synonymous with the amount of control left in themselves that is not handed over to society. Carolyn, who is the embodiment of American materialism, has literally sold her soul for it, that is given up all her power and individuality to social expectations. She sacrifices morality and principle for success, and is preoccupied with maintaining this image of success with her expensive house and immaculate rose garden. Indeed, in the midst of an intimate moment with Lester, she stops it because of her fear of spilling beer on a four thousand dollar sofa upholstered in Italian silk which shows the extent to which she esteems materialism and societys values over her own  desires. In contrast, her daughter Jane is able to see what is truly important and rejects the society she lives in, as evident in her choice of unattractive clothes which are predominantly black the color of teenage rebellion. Hence she sacrifices the values of her family for her own values and she maintains her uniqueness and inner beauty. This is seen first dinner scene where Janes face in lit up by the candles whilst her parents faces are in the shadows. The light implies a halo around Jane and makes her a spiritually more worthy character than her parents, a beauty that the boy-next-door Ricky does not miss. In the The Great Gatsby, Gatsby unwittingly entraps himself to an endless pattern of imitation for he has allowed society to take over him, stripping him bare of individuality apart from his dream. Therefore, because he finds social acceptance so vital in winning the approval of Daisy, he sacrifices anything undesirable which is everything about poor Jimmy Gatz. He turns himself into the wealthy Jay Gatsby, a Platonic conception of himself and in fabricating his personal history and constructing an ideal image out of magazines, Gatsby loses his real self. While his dream may be pure and redeemable, he bases it on social superficial values and materialism which means that when the dream is destroyed and he fails to attain Daisy, he is already spiritually dead for all his superficiality becomes insignificant and pointless. In the final moments of his life, Nick envisions Gatsby realizing the hollowness of his life, his lack of true self, having lost along the path to his dream, a new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air. The word choice of ghosts is significant for that is what Gatsby really has become, for he is simply an actor with no true body or identity of his own, having lived his life according to societys values not his own. Therefore the relationship between an individual and society is an important determent in the extent of sacrifices they make. In the end, it is the relationship between the individual and his or her society which is ultimately responsible for the sacrifices he or she makes. Separately, the society and individual make up only two influences, and are not the actual causes of the sacrifice the society defines values and dreams, of which the individual has the choice to try and strive for. Rather it is the complex dynamics between the two that triggers the sacrifice.  Individuals who adhere to and revere social standards will make the greatest sacrifices to achieve socially orientated goals. If the goals are unworthy or false, the individual may however lose themselves spiritually along the way. But individuals who rebel against society and oppose social values will consider those goals as undeserving and their sacrifices for it will be little to none. Indeed, these individuals will sacrifice social expectations for personal happiness and values instead. Through the characters in The Great Gatsby and American Beauty, Sam Mendes and F.S. Fitzgerald seem to imply that this latter way is better and yields more fruitful results. Bibliography: Commager, Henry Steele. The American Mind: An Interpretation of American Thought and Character Since the 1880s. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribners, 1925; New York: Cambridge UP, 1991. Novel.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Injury Underlying Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP)

Injury Underlying Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) Mechanism of Injury Underlying Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy Introduction Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) is defined as a flaccid paresis of an upper extremity due to traumatic stretching of the brachial plexus occurring at birth, where the passive range of motion is greater than the active (Evans-Jones et al. 2003: F185–F189). Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy results from injury to the cervical roots C5-C8 and thoracic root T1 (Pollack et al. 2000: 236–246). The occurrence of Obstetrical brachial plexus injuries are reported in the medical literature at a rate of 0.38 to 2.6 per thousand live births (S. M. Shenaq et al. 2005). To understand the mechanism of injury causing OBPP it is necessary to have a fundamental anatomical knowledge about brachial plexus. Five spinal nerve roots C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1 combine to form brachial plexus. These five nerve roots combine into 3 trunks above the clavicle, the upper trunk at the C5-C6 level, the middle at C7 and the lower trunk at C8-T1. The cords end in 5 main peripheral nerves: the musculocutaneous, radial, axillary, median and ulnar nerves. The entire shoulder and the arm is supplied by the brachial plexus that helps in upper extremity function (Laurent et al. 1993: 197–203). There is a lot of controvery regarding the underlying mechanism of obstetrics brachial plexus injury that is a cause of recent litigious debate (Andersen et al. 2006: 93). OBPP is caused by excessive traction to the brachial plexus during delivery, as in majority of the cases upper shoulder gets blocked by the mother’s pubic symphysis (shoulder dystocia). With the traction to the child’s head, the angle between the neck and the shoulder is forcefully widened, overstretching the ipsilateral brachial plexus. The extent of injury can vary from neurapraxia or axonotmesis to neurotmesis and avulsion of rootlets from the spinal cord (Pondaag et al. 2004: 138–144). Some studies determine that in certain cases, brachial plexus injuries occur secondary to shoulder dystocia that is associated with high intrauterine forces, not traction injuries (S. M. Shenaq et al. 2005). Though the main theories have been that of compression (either direct or indirect caused by instrument s, fingers or between the bony structures) or traction (Sever 1916: 541) some authors proposed that infection or ischaemia is the cause, whilst others proposed postural in vitro causes, this view was strengthened by the apparent coincidence of other congenital malformations (S. P. Kay 1998: 43–50). The biomechanics of the size of the maternal pelvic and the foetal shoulder size and their position during the delivery determine the extent of injury to the brachial plexus (Zafeiriou Psychogiou 2008: 235–242). Also intrauterine factors, such as abnormal intrauterine pressures arising from uterine anomalies causes obstetrical brachial plexus palsy at the time of pregnancy (Gherman et al. 1999: 1303–1307). Some authors have (ACKER et al. 1988: 389–392) also discussed the possible reasons as to why relatively few OBPP happens during vaginal deliveries without shoulder dystocia; their analysis shifted the focus of OBPP’s cause, away from those forces appl ied by the clinicians towards the endogenous maternal propulsive forces. Both maternal expulsive forces and uterine contractions together form the natural forces. obstetrical brachial plexus palsy may happen in case of caesarean section (Jennett et al. 1992: 1673–1677) or operative vaginal delivery (Alexander et al. 2006: 885–890) also due to forceful traction and manipulation by the obstetrician. The risk factors for brachial plexus palsies may be divided into four categories: neonatal (: Birth weight > 4000 gm,Macrosomia, Breech foetal position, Apgar score: (a) 1 min, (b) 5 min), maternal (Age, Body mass index, Gestational diabetes, Multiparity, Maternal pelvic anatomy), labor-related factors (Duration of second stage of labor, Labor management: (a) induction of labor; (b) oxytocin augment; (c) epidural analgesia, Shoulder dystocia , Mode of delivery: (a) vaginal; (b) vacuum or forceps) and Associated Injuries (Clavicular fracture) (Zafeiriou Psychogiou 2008: 235–242). Brachial plexus injury can be classified according to severity : avulsion, rupture, neuroma, and neurapraxia (S. M. Shenaq et al. 1998: 527–536). anatomical location: upper, intermediate, lower, and total plexus palsy (Sandmire DeMott 2000: 941–942). Upper plexus palsy involves C5, C6, and sometimes C7. Also called Erb’s palsy, it is the most common type of brachial plexus injury (Gilbert Abbott 1995). It presents with an adducted arm, which is internally rotated at the shoulder. The wrist is flexed, and the fingers are extended, resulting in the characteristic ‘waiter’s tip’ posture. Intermediate plexus palsy, involving C7 and sometimes C8 and T1, has been proposed by a few researchers (Zafeiriou Psychogiou 2008: 235–242). Lower plexus palsy involves C8 and T1. Also called Klumpke paralysis, it is very rare and accounts for Total plexus palsy involves C5-C8 and sometimes T1 (J. K. Terzis et al. 1986: 773) and is the second most common type of injury (Laurent et al. 1993: 197–203). It is the most devastating plexus injury: the infant is left with a clawed hand and a flaccid and insensate arm. There is a strong positive correlation between assisted deliveries and total brachial plexus palsy, which indicates that a more severe injury has occurred to the plexus (Michelow et al. 1994: 675–680). Narakas classified obstetrical brachial plexus lesions into four, based on the examination 2- 3 weeks after birth: Group I: C5-6; paralysis of shoulder and biceps. Group II: C5-7; paralysis of shoulder, biceps and forearm extensors. Group Ill: C5-T1, complete paralysis of limb. Group IV: C5-T1; as above with Homers syndrome (S. P. Kay 1998: 43–50). The majority of the patient (70%-95%) recovered completely within 3 to 4 months. Rest 5% patients were requiring conservative or surgical treatment according to extent and severity of injury. Physiotherapy and splinting are conservative treatment and nerve reconstruction, grafting, neurolysis, tendon transplantation procedures are in the surgical treatment. Many classifications and scoring systems for assessing function and predicting outcomes for children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy have been proposed. The most common and clinically useful measures used are mention below. British Medical Research Council Scale A number of methods have been used to describe or quantify motor function in children with OBPP.The British Medical Research Council (M R C ) system of manual muscle testing is the most recognized scale for the evaluation of strength for patients with peripheral nerve injuries. This test employs the use of limb segment positioning without and against gravity and the use of manual resistance to grade muscle strength on a 6-point scale (O = no contraction, 5 = normal power). The MRC scale as a measure of strength for infants with OBPP has been reported by a number of authors. This scale falls within the body functions and structures domain of ICF (Ho et al. 2012). Gilbert and Tassin Scale Gilbert and Tassin have suggested a modified MRC scale for the evaluation of children with OBPP to account for the difficulties encountered in examining infants with manual resistance. The MO-M3 scale has been used as an outcome measure in some studies. This scale is limited in the ability to distinguish improvements in motor recovery however, as it has only one grade to classify partial movement. This scale falls within the body functions and structures domain of ICF (Ho et al. 2012). Mallet Scale Mallet has described a method of evaluating children with OBPP based on the ability to perform functional positioning of the affected limb. With this classification, patients are asked to actively perform five different shoulder movements: abduction, external rotation, placing the hand behind the neck, placing the hand as high as possible on the spine, and placing the hand to the mouth. Each shoulder movement is subsequently graded on a scale of I (no movement) to V (normal motion that is symmetric with that on the contralateral, unaffected side). Although utilized as an outcome measure by a number of authors. This system can only be used with a cooperative, older child. This scale is not suitable for use with infants. It has an excellent intra-observer reliability of kappa= 0.76 and an inter-observer reliability of kappa = 0.78 in this patients. This scale falls within the body functions and structures domain of ICF (Ho et al. 2012). The Active Movement Scale The Active Movement Scale is an eight-grade ordinal scale that was co-developed by the candidate and the head of the Brachial Plexus Clinic at The Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) for the specific purpose of evaluating infants (newborn to one year of age) with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. This tool is used to quantify upper extremity strength by observing spontaneous, active movement both without and against gravity. Each movement is scored on a scale of 0 to 7. The fifteen movements include shoulder flexion, shoulder abduction, shoulder adduction, shoulder internal rotation, shoulder external rotation, elbow flexion, elbow extension, forearm pronation, forearm supination, wrist flexion, wrist extension, digital flexion, digital extension, thumb flexion, and thumb extension. The use of this scale for clinical and scientific evaluation has been reported in a number of publications. It has an excellent intra-observer reliability of kappa= 0.85 and an inter-observer reliability of kappa = 0.66 in this patients. It has established good psychometric properties in this population. This scale falls within the body functions and structures domain of ICF (Ho et al. 2012). Gilbert and Raimondi scale Elbow flexion was graded by the system of Gilbert and Raimondi which ranges from 0 (paralysis) to 5 (complete active flexion and extension). Function of the hand was graded from 0 (paralysis) to 5 in which there is complete active flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers, strong intrinsic muscle function and active pronation and supination in excess of 90Â °, as described by Raimondi (Birch et al. 2005: 1089–1095). This scale falls within the body functions and structures domain of ICF (Ho et al. 2012). Toronto Test Score: Michelow et al. proposed the Toronto Test Score to quantify upper-extremity function and to predict recovery in infants with brachial plexus birth palsy9. With this scoring system, patients are prompted to actively flex the elbow and extend the elbow, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Each of these five movements is then graded on a scale of 0 (no motion) to 2 (normal full motion), and the sum of the values determines the aggregate, or total, Toronto Test Score (maximum, 10 points). The Toronto Test Score was designed to predict outcome in patients with brachial plexus birth palsy. It has an excellent intra-observer reliability of kappa= 0.73 and an inter-observer reliability of kappa = 0.51 in this patients. This scale falls within the body functions and structures domain of ICF (Ho et al. 2012). Literature Review: Julia K. Terzis and Kokkalis (2008) conducted a retrospective study to see the effect of primary and secondary shoulder reconstruction in obstetric brachial plexus palsy. 96children with OBPP were recruited in the study. 30 cases underwent primary reconstruction alone, 37 underwent both primary and secondary procedures, and 31 late cases underwent only palliative surgery. From this population, 23 cases were diagnosed with classic Erb’s palsy, 22 cases with Erb’s palsy and C7 involvement and 53 cases with global palsy (C5-T1). British Medical Research Council grading system and modified Mallet scale were used as outcome measures. The mean follow-up period was 6.7 years. Significant improvement was seen in the entire population according to modified Mallet scale and mean score improved from 8.8 points (range, 6-19 points) preoperatively to 20.9 points (range, 13-24 points) postoperatively (p They used large population. The inclusion criteria was not proper. They used long follow up period. There can be selection bias present. Nehme et al. (2002) conducted a retrospective study to see the prediction of outcome in upper root injuries in OBPP. 30 children with unilateral upper obstetrical brachial plexus injuries were recruited in this study. The age of this group was between 1 week and 2 months. The mean follow-up was 14 years. Each child was examined every month in the first year and every 3 months in the second year. Mallet scale was used to assess the functional recovery and classification of Tassin was used to assess the muscle power. Result showed that three patients had achieved a ‘‘good recovery’’, at 3 months and 12 patients had made a ‘‘good recovery’’ at 9 months with conventional physical therapy. The best predictor of outcome was elbow flexion at 9 months with 13% error, and not 3 months with 36% error rate for brachial plexus reconstruction. A ‘‘good result’’ at final assessment was predicted by the recovery of M2 elb ow flexion at 3 months (Student t-test: P Bisinella and Birch (2003) conducted a prospective study with 74 children with OBPP to see the incident of recovery. The mean age of children was 3.2 months and follow up period was two years. Mallet scale and Gilbert scale used for shoulder function, Gilbert and Raimondi scale used for elbow function and Raimondi’s system used for measuring hand function. Patients underwent to conventional or surgical intervention according to severity. Result showed that very good recovery in 39 cases, useful arm with residual deficit in 29 cases, some function in 4 cases and very poor result in 2 cases. Mallet scale is not appropriate for this age of children. They used large population. Methodology was not good. Grossman et al. (2004) conducted a prospective study to assess the shoulder function following late neurolysis and bypass grafting for upper brachial plexus birth injury. 11 children in age from 9 to21 months were recruited in the study. Modified Gilbert system used for measuring shoulder function. All patients were followed for 2 or more years. In spite of some limitation, modified Gilbert system is accepted as a reliable outcome measure following surgery. Significant improvement was seen in all patients. Sample size was too small. Methodology was not explained properly. Inclusion criteria was not mention properly. Birch et al. (2005) conducted a prospective study to see the improvement after repair of obstetric brachial plexus palsy. 100 children were recruited in the study. Operation was advised when poor clinical recovery was matched by unfavourable neurophysiological predictions. The mean duration of follow-up was 85 months. Gilbert’s system and mallet system was used to assess shoulder and Gilbert and Raimondi system used to assess elbow. Result showed that good improvement was obtained in 33% of repairs of C5, in 55% of C6, in 24% of C7 and in 57% of operations on C8 and T1. Discussion: The debate whether and when to operate on OBPP is still active because it is difficult to predict the natural history for recovery of nerve lesions, because this depends on the severity of the injury (stretch, rupture, avulsion) and on the levels of injury (partial or total plexus lesion). The challenge now lay in deciding which children would recover spontaneously, and which would need direct nerve surgery to aid their progress. Some author proposed three indications for surgery; complete palsy with flail arm and Horners syndrome; complete C5 C6 palsy without muscle contraction by 3 months and with a negative EMG (often, they say, corresponding to a complete root avulsion); and C5 C6 palsy with no recovery in biceps at 3 months (biceps alone is chosen because examination of deltoid to the exclusion of pectoralis major is difficult at this age). Zancolli and Zancollf suggested that for each level of involvement of the plexus there was a different key muscle to consider as an indicato r for direct nerve surgery. For the upper plexus the key muscle was biceps and deltoid, whilst for the middle plexus it was triceps and for the lower plexus, the finger flexors and thumb extensors. In general the decision about surgery in their recommendations is delayed until between 6 or 8 months when absence of clinical or electrophysiological signs of recovery in key muscles, or the cessation of recovery at a value of M2 or less on the British Muscle Movement Scale indicated the likelihood of poor spontaneous recovery and an indication for direct nerve surgery. According to literature review, Julia K. Terzis and Kokkalis (2008) proposed that early plexus reconstruction (

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Portrayal of Women in the Movie (Film), Metropolis :: Movie Film Essays

Portrayal of Women in the Movie (Film), Metropolis Women were represented in different ways throughout the movie Metropolis, but the underlying theme was women were seen as purely sexual. Maria was seen as the nurturer in the film, but also as a sexual object. She was the one who preached for peace and harmony down in the catacombs to the workers. Maria was also the nurturing maternal figure that was seen walking into the garden with all of the poor children. The vamp, on the other hand, was portrayed blatantly as a sexual object. This whole movie was seen through the eyes of the male perspective, which usually portrays women as sexual objects, and robs them of any identity. Lang shows Frederson as having fear of femininity which involves women's emotion and nurturing. The robot was seen as a creation of technology and femininity and sexuality through the male imagination. This creation of the robot was to reflect the fear that men have of women and of technology. Women, machines, and nature raise fear in men because they threaten the male dominance and control. The female robot rose fear about threatening male control because of the idea that technology could become so large and advanced that it would go out of control of man and destroy humanity. Maria also posed as a threat to Frederson because of her emotions and nurturing. As seen in the movie, the scene where Rotwang leads Frederson down to the catacombs to watch Maria preach about peace is a direct depiction of the male fear of femininity. This fear comes from Frederson not having any control over this situation because he did not know about the catacombs, which scares him. Men need to control these women because of these insecurities about their own dominance. Throughout the entire movie there is an underlying theme of men always controlling women. The world of technology has always been seen as being all men while the women were standing on the outside looking in. For example, Rotwang creates this vamp to satisfy his own sexual desires, and to be able to control and dominate her every move. Woman has been constructed by man to serve her master, be completely dependent, and meet his needs. Lang invents his females as technological objects that come to life at the hands, and visions of their male masters. This is clearly seen when the robot, disguised as Maria, is put on the stake to burn.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Virus Eradicates Through Mosquitoes Essay -- Essays Papers

Virus Eradicates Through Mosquitoes Have you ever heard of a killer mosquito? In Alicia Campbell and H. Michael Dreher’s article, â€Å"A New Transcontinental Disease: The West Nile Virus,† they describe the virus’s origination, transmission, symptoms, treatment, how to avoid it, and the danger. The article was published in June of 2002 in Medsburg Nursing Journal, because the virus is growing rapidly throughout America. The virus first hit United States in New York in 1999, infecting sixty-two people. The authors inform us that it is still a mystery how the virus came to America. One thing is for sure, mosquitoes carry the virus, and they are responsible for the infections in humans. West Nile’s origination first surfaced along the West Nile district of Uganda in Africa in 1937. It’s first reported epidemics took place in Israel during 1951 through 1954, and again in 1957. The largest reported epidemics occurred in South Africa in 1974. There were tens of thousands of infections. A more recent outbreak was in 1996, in Romania where there were over f...

Effects of mass media worksheet Essay

What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the 20th century? In the early 1900’s newspapers was the main form of mass media. Over the years there were many developments in the evolution of mass media in the 20th century. The major developments were the radio, television, and the internet. Radio came along in the early decades of the 20th century. They were considered to less expensive than telephones and by the 1920’s it was likely that most homes had a radio. Radio did something that newspapers could not do. It allowed many people all over to listen to same thing at the same time. Many people tuned in for updates on the war going on at this time. After radio the next form of mass media was the television. In 1946, about 17,000 televisions existed in the United States; within 7 years, two-thirds of American households owned at least one set. (â€Å"Media and Culture†, Ch. 1, p.32) Television brought along the ability for Americans to not only hear a certain message but for them to see it also. ABC, NBC, and CBS were the 3 major networks that controlled most of the things that Americans watched on television. After television the next major development in mass media was the internet. The first computers were big and bulky and were mainly used by businesses. Eventually computers that people could have in their home were produced. People could access the internet through the phone lines in their home. The internet became a new way for people to communicate with others all around the world. It also opened up many other possibilities for people like doing research, or shopping. How did each development influence American cul ture? The development of radio influenced American culture in many ways. It opened up a whole new way marketing for those who were trying to sell products. It gave them the ability to reach massive audiences they could not reach before. Radio became the main source of entertainment for most Americans early in the 20th century. They would get their news updates,  listen to sporting events, and listen to advertisements. Many believe everything that was said on the radio and lived their lives according to what they heard. From what food to eat, what clothes to wear, radio gave them a sense of how they should be living. With the development of television it gave Americans the ability to put a face to the voice we hear on the radio. I would say that television is a big part of most people’s lives today. Many people today form their beliefs and opinions about certain things from what they see about it on the TV. Politics is a very good example of this. The development of the internet has major influences on American culture today. Most of the world uses the internet daily in some form whether it is on our computer, tablet, smartphone or some other internet ready device. The internet has opened many doors that were not open in years past. One example is it gives people that are not able to attend college in person a chance to earn a college degree. The internet has now become one of the main ways that people communicate. It offers us the ability to stay in touch with friends and family through social media and it gives us ways to meet new people.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Admission Essay for Counseling Psychology Program

My country, Serbia, underwent a period of terror and wars, especially during the NATO Bombing in 1999. This marking event in our history taught me more than what my formal education could. Before this disaster struck, I was a full-time student and the University of Pristina majoring in English Language and Literature. During the high of political upheavals, the situation in Kosovo was already tense.Minorities had constant provocations, and hatred had a firm imprint on the people. My life was heavily influenced, as well as my education. I had experienced first hand what it means to be â€Å"persona non grate† in the your childhood community.I wished everyone could understand what this meant for all of us, regardless of who we were and where we came from. Being prosecuted and not having the right to enjoy our college days was a sour memory, but something I live by as a source of my strength. I experienced biases and prejudice, yet I stand firm.I was treated badly, but my dreams never blurred from my sight. I was emotionally affected, but I was more inspired to pursue these dreams, and become a counselor. Freedom in this country was taken for granted, and our college life overlooked.The war made it necessary for me to leave Pristina and Kosovo. Shocked and scared, I came back to a home where fires, bombings and NATO planes assailed my daily itinerary. The screeching sirens did not help our situation. It seemed that we merely waited for the bomb to drop on our heads and defy us from mere existence.During all the madness, I tried to suppress my stress by being optimistic for my family and friends.   As a child, I have been my family's â€Å"corrupter of words†, as I've always seen myself as one of Shakespeare’s fools. My mom always pointed out my ability to rearrange words and it's meanings to create a personal â€Å"philosophical† statement.I would often add humor when the our lives would seem bland, other times when we feel the panic crawling through our bones, and fear completely etching our faces. The bombings taught us this.As you watch the planes every day, you'd get to realize that there are things you can do as not to be so stressed. Since we could not prevent the many disasters in our lives, we can re-frame the fear and pain to something more positive. The idea was to live your life as normally as possible, by teaching yourself to be blind of some of the negative events in our lives.It wasn't all that bad during those terrifying days. There were positive outcomes as well, like in social gatherings where the unique humor and spirit in my culture gave me a good faith and optimism to survive next days. If I couldn’t eliminate stress by changing or ignoring the situation, the least I could do was offer social support.My profound interest in teaching English to people of different languages didn’t falter due to the war. It allowed me to complete my education on time, and start my career as an Eng lish teacher. In the classroom, it is particularly important for me to understand the point of view of the student, and use humor and real-life situations to get my points across.I developed my interest in researching about language through my undergraduate studies. My greater interest is on how sociocultural factors have an impact on the awareness, design, implementation, and assessment of a second language in a multicultural community, in comparison to those in culturally homogeneous communities.ESL classes in Serbia were more British oriented, both in linguistics and culture. As a young teacher, I have always been open to new teaching methods. I also tried to add novelties into the curriculum. My decision to spend a year in the United States was supported by my desire to learn more about the American culture.I believe this will broaden my perspectives on cultural diversity and different systems of education. Furthermore, this will heighten my personal and professional development . I can say that life can be very unpredictable because my one year visit become a life of adventure and possibilities by studying psychology.You would know if you are experiencing life if the wind pushes you in all directions. My senses were surrounded with uncertainty as I involved myself in a different culture. I knew how it felt to be a little fish in a big pond. Being an international student from Eastern Europe did not prepare me for the many interesting things a new country can offer me.The initial knowledge gained from textbooks, and the places I've traveled to see, were put to waste as I stepped onto unknown territory. I felt helpless, and wanted desperately to go home. I could have been with my family, a cup of cappuccino and the newspaper within my grasps. However, even though I experienced culture shock, I believe hands-on education is still the best teacher.Soon after arriving in a new country, I was caught between my old values from my native culture, and the new value s of the host culture. I was pressured to adapt in order to survive. Adjusting to a new culture, new system, and new life, was not an easy task. But my ability to adapt allowed me to face any obstacle. My goals were always set whenever I face any challenge. I never let my self-esteem falter.I love to feel challenged because it makes me work twice as hard. I proved this by obtaining my second undergraduate degree (BA in Liberal Arts/Psychology) and graduating with the highest honors.   I always tried to reach for the stars.   But the opposite side of the coin is nostalgia. Something that is present when I am working, studying, eating, and even when sleeping.Being an international student among fellow foreigners in the US made me realize how much social support and understanding was necessary to challenge and achieve academically in other countries. By considering the problems students have in the US, and by developing different approaches and solutions, I believe I can be a great counselor in a multicultural world. Just by the thought of it made me eager to learn more, and increase the repertoire of counseling styles and skills alongside others.During my senior year of college, I conducted an extensive literature review on â€Å"psychosocial adjustment issues of international students and the need for social support†. I refined my research skills in data analysis using SPSS, as well as my ability to present my findings in the manner of an accepted professional research paper.I enjoyed conducting the literature review the most, approaching it as a scavenger hunt and considering the quantity and quality of information found as my reward. This project, along with my other undergraduate studies, prepared me for the rigors of graduate study and the parameters of successful research. Professional experiences, research, and undergraduate courses at Menlo College have further stimulated my interest in psychology and reinforced my conviction that I am well su ited to the field.Although these varied research experiences have provided me with fundamental skills, I still feel the need for more training. In retrospect, college was one of the most stimulating periods in my life, and I found tremendous determination to achieve my goal of helping others through the study of psychology.Looking from the prospective of a student gave me more retrospection on my teaching profession, which I love so much.   However, life is an intriguing railroad with many stations.   Some of those stations I got off at were good experiences and some bad. But over all, it has been a journey that continues on.Helping others reach their goals, having a positive attitude, and dedicating both personal and professional growth were the traits I held when I entered Menlo College.   They remain as an integral part of my work ethic today.My international student experience, and many research projects, have helped me achieve a theoretical foundation for the important wo rk of helping students succeed in college. We must have an understanding and compassion for diverse student populations. I learned this from the years of teaching experience. Furthermore, I am able to demonstrate my strengths and abilities to relate effectively with individuals from all levels and cultural backgrounds.These experiences have not only taught me valuable lessons about student life, but have also reinforced my interest in pursuing my career in counseling psychology. Graduate school will enable me to develop vital research and counseling skills, and the solid academic background that I need to be a successful counselor and researcher.A master's program in counseling psychology will not only cultivate and refine my involvement in research, but also equip me to deal with the challenges of an MS program. The combination of MFT and my counseling degree will enable me to fulfill my career aspirations and passion for helping students in need. Furthermore, I can prepare myself in facing the complexity of psychotherapy and unpredictability when dealing with emotional issues of individuals and their families.I have all the traits needed to be a good counselor. Undoubtedly, my devotion to my education will be the greatest asset of all. Being able to successfully help   individuals in the future will be my greatest reward for the effort and investment I will put myself into

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Carlinville Area Hospital Quality Improvement Plan Research Paper

Carlinville Area Hospital Quality Improvement Plan - Research Paper Example The researcher states that Carlinville Area Hospital will ensure that its Quality improvement plan is congruent with its key objectives that include but not limited to safety, patient-centered, effectiveness, equitable, efficiency, and timely healthcare service. Carlinville Area Hospital QI plan will cover a wide range of activities that include but not limited to Risk management activities Professional staff credentialing; automated drug-ordering systems; medical record review; prescription legibility; drug labeling and packaging; and patient education on prescribed medications. Carlinville Area Hospital will use six-sigma methodology for its QI implementation plan. The six-sigma methodology will allow the hospital to gather necessary information relating to the present organization’s medication management, which will give clue to management about the processes and activities that require improvement. After implementing the improvement plan the hospital will be forced to unde rtake the  annual evaluation of processes and activities to ensure that they are in line with the planned objectives. The Carlinville Area Hospital is, â€Å"a licensed 25-bed acute care clinic that accommodates a wide range of inpatient, outpatient, as well as emergency services†. Carlinville Area Hospital operates based on the slogan of â€Å"excellent care close to home†. Carlinville Area Hospital mission â€Å"is to always remain committed to the development of a state-of-the-art rural hospital facility.†... tient, outpatient, as well as emergency services† (Carlinville Area Hospital, 2011) Carlinville Area Hospital operates based on the slogan of â€Å"excellent care close to home†. Carlinville Area Hospital mission â€Å"is to always remain committed to the development of a state-of-the-art rural hospital facility.† Enhancing quality has always been one of the key objectives of the hospital and as such the management is looking forward to a favorable relationship between the staff to provide excellent healthcare close to home. Carlinville Area Hospital various services to patients on inpatient and outpatient basis through the hospital’s cardiopulmonary, imaging, laboratory, and rehabilitative services. Additionally the hospital provides daily primary health care to immediate emergency interventions in the local area. Goals/Objectives Promoting a state of art hospital with quality and safety as its major priority requires a lot of commitment. To ensure that th e hospital is on track to fulfill its mission the management of Carlinville Area Hospital has decided to focus on the following objectives: Safe- Carlinville Area Hospital will work tirelessly to ensure that mitigate injuries that patients may suffer from services that are meant to help them (Carlinville Area Hospital, 2011). Patient centered- Carlinville Area Hospital will provide services that recognizes patient’s dignity, worth, respectful and responsive to the needs, expectations, preference and values and above all ensure that medical decisions are based on patients values. Efficient- Carlinville Area Hospital will avoid services that are wasteful in terms of ideas, equipment, energy, and supplies. Timely- Carlinville Area Hospital health care services will emphasis on minimizing potential harmful delays and